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Officers of San Jose Postcard Club

President - Shav La Vigne

I have been a member of the club for four years and have been collecting postcards for over forty years.

My interest is not only collecting cards but writing about the histo​ry that can be found on many postcards. I have written a number of articles that have appeared in our own SJPC Newsletter along with articles in the Sequoia Stamp Club "Chatter" Newsletter, and Postcard History Magazine which is online.

I have compiled many of my articles into a book that highlights my enjoyment of reading and researching cards as well as the thrill of the hunt most collectors enjoy. My hope is that others will begin looking for and writing about what they find.


This club is made possible thanks to the volunteer efforts of these amazing individuals

VP - Bob Kavanaugh

I have collected cards for over 30 years. My grandmother collecte​d post​cards as a hobby. She was my inspiration. I enjoy travel and pick up a few on my jaunts.

Newsletter Editor - Lynne Paulson

Bio coming soon!

Webmaster - John Klimaszewski

John volunteers his efforts with San Jose Postcard Club to assist  website development for the club, while searching in vain for postcards with Austin Healeys on them


Librarian -  Dave Holbrook

Bio coming soon!


Program Chair - Open


Secretary - Open

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